Certificates of Deposit

Wilmington Savings offers competitive rates on a variety of accounts to meet all your banking needs. Have questions about which account is right for you? Stop in and allow an experienced banking specialist to help you make an informed choice that is right for you and your family.


Certificates of Deposit Rates

Date Effective By: January 21, 2025 

TermInterest RateAPY*Minimum Deposit

6 Month **



1 Year 0.25% 0.25% $500
13 Month ** 4.20% 4.29% $500

18 Month




2 Years



3 Years 0.50% 0.50% $500

4 Years




* Annual Percentage Yield (APY) - Assumes interest remains on deposit until maturity

** APY accurate as of 01/21/2025. APY assumes principal and interest remain on deposit for the term of the CD. Limited time offer. Penalty will apply for early withdrawal. Required minimum deposit of $500 to open. At maturity, the 6 month CD special will automatically renew to a 6 month CD term and the 13 month special will automatically renew to a 12 month CD term with the then current rates.

Rates of Deposit products are subject to change without notice. Rates published are accurate and represent the current rates offered. Penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal. Fees charged may reduce annual percentage yield. 

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